Dynasties in Chinese History



唐堯虞舜夏商周 春秋戰國亂悠悠

秦漢三國晉統一 南朝北朝是對頭

隋唐五代又十國 宋元明清帝王休


唐尧虞舜夏商周 春秋战国乱悠悠

秦汉三国晋统一 南朝北朝是对头

隋唐五代又十国 宋元明清帝王休

Cycle of Chinese Dynasties

According to Chinese political theory, every dynasty goes through a dynastic cycle.

  1. A new ruler: Unites China, founds a new dynasty, and gains the Mandate of Heaven. [1](天命)
  2. China, under the new dynasty, achieves prosperity and a new golden age. [2](太平盛世)
  3. The population increases [3]
  4. Corruption becomes rampant in the imperial court, and the empire begins to enter decline and instability.[4](衰敗)
  5. A natural disaster wipes out farm land. The disaster normally would not have been a problem; however, together with the corruption and overpopulation it causes famine.[5]
  6. The famine causes the population to rebel and starts a civil war [6](内亂/内乱)
  7. The ruler loses the Mandate of Heaven. [7] [8](喪失天命)
  8. The population decreases because of the violence [9]
  9. China goes through a warring states period [10]
  10. One state emerges victorious [11]
  11. The state starts a new empire [12] [13]
  12. The empire gains the Mandate of Heaven. [14] [15]
(The cycle repeats itself)

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